Implant Based Breast Reconstruction
Before and After Photo Gallery

41 -year-old female shown 6 months after 2-stage implant based reconstruction. Her first stage included placement of tissue expanders followed by expander to implant exchange and fat grafting

37-year-old woman shown 8 months after bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies and 2 stage implant based breast reconstruction.
Implants used were 440 high profile Mentor silicone gel. Patient also had left breast radiation therapy
39 year old female 1 month after bilateral breast reconstruction with 415 cc moderate profile plus Sientra gel implants.
This was a 2 stage reconstruction with placement of tissue expanders at the time of nipple sparing mastectomy.
Woman in her 60s 3 months after bilateral breast reconstruction with implant repositioning to prepectoral pocket and alloderm placement.