Many people may start their day seeing that dreaded under-eye bags have appeared and show no sign of moving out. But why do these pockets of puffiness appear? Is it a sign of our health and wellness habits, or are they inevitable as we age? Layer by layer, we dug deep to determine why under eye bags develop and how to evict these unwanted guests with under eye bags removal.
The Eye as It Relates to Under Eye Bags
To understand why these bothersome eye balloons form, we must understand the anatomy behind them. The area housing and supporting our eyes is a complex interplay of fat, muscle, bone, and skin. Broken down to its individual elements, we can determine the culprit behind under eye bags and fight back strategically.
- Skin: The skin under the eye is thinner than elsewhere on the body. It is incredibly fragile and loaded with blood vessels.
- Tissue: Just below that very thin layer of skin lies a layer of tissue. This layer is fairly rigid and keeps the layer of fat beneath snuggly in place.
- Muscle: A ring of muscle surrounds the eye that allows for blinking. This muscle has been suspected as the key factor behind the development of under eye bags.
- Tear ducts: You know those tiny little holes in the corner of your eyes that turn on the waterworks during The Notebook? They are one of many potential culprits for eye bags
Why Do Under Eye Bags Develop?
Now that we know a little bit about the physical structure of our eyes, we can dive into how this correlates with those pesky under eye bags. Knowing the structures involved and how they pertain to the problem paves the way for effective and efficient under eye bags removal.
- Skin: Remember those many blood vessels from earlier? Well, those tiny blood vessels can add to the appearance of under eye bags. Furthermore, thanks to that wonderful thing called aging, the skin loses collagen and elasticity, causing the skin to fall and sag.
- Tissue: As we age, UV light, sunlight exposure, environmental factors, genetics, and more can damage the skin. This typically rigid structure increases in elasticity, permitting the fat behind it to push forward and protrude outward, causing the formation of bags.
- Muscle: The muscle surrounding the eye can weaken over time, contributing to the appearance of eyelid sagging and bags.
Unfortunately, aging is the driving force behind the formation of under eye bags. We wish we had better news. But there is no do-it-yourself miracle cure for under eye bags. The progression of life is inevitable. For that reason, plastic surgery is often the ideal fix to correct the appearance of unsightly sacs. Talking to an experienced plastic surgeon can help you determine how to emerge victorious in the battle against under eye bags.
Other Causes of Under Eye Bags
The key factor of bags is aging, but it is not the only factor. Other influences in the formation of under eye bags include:
- Genetics
- Poor sleep habits
- Allergies
- Congestion
- Dehydration
- Salty foods
- Smoking
- Underlying medical conditions
- Diet and lifestyle
- Stress
- Water retention
The Solution: Lower Eyelid Surgery
Under-eye bags are the unwanted house guests that show up without so much as a text notice and overstay their welcome. Topical treatments and home remedies make us think we are doing a good job tackling cosmetic nuisances. However, the unwanted house guests aren’t going anywhere without an eviction notice (i.e., professional treatment).
The silver lining? Lower eyelid surgery is highly effective in making the puffy pouches vacate the premises in haste. This procedure removes excess fat and skin and tightens tissues. The result is a rejuvenated appearance. Surgery may seem extreme. But it is a game-changer in the fight against under eye bags, tipping the scales in your favor. You can consult with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon to discuss the best options to cater to your needs.
JAMA Network. (1967). An Unrecognized Cause of Baggy Lower Eyelids.