
Primary Reasons for Earlobe Surgery

Earlobe surgery may not be the first type of plastic surgery you think of when you picture yourself getting a cosmetic treatment. Though not as widely discussed as other aesthetic surgery options, earlobe repair is a common and highly successful restorative treatment that addresses a variety of issues. Let us take a look at the primary reasons for earlobe surgery.

Primary Reasons for Earlobe Surgery

There are a few primary reasons for earlobe surgery, which we will cover below. You might feel self-conscious about the shape of your ears. Or, maybe you have detached earlobes. Dr. Leyngold and his expert team can help you determine if earlobe repair surgery is right for you.

About Earlobe Repair

The need for earlobe repair largely stems from stretched or torn earlobes. This can occur as a result of wearing heavy jewelry or simply getting older. Your skin loses elasticity over time, making it more likely to sag. No matter the reason, earlobe repair can rejuvenate these damaged parts of the ear to create a more pleasing look.

The surgery usually involves a variety of techniques that add, remove, or reshape parts of the earlobe. Our surgeon will also use additional techniques to strengthen the earlobes, preventing future stretches and sags. The type of earlobe repair you will need depends on the location and severity of damage around the ears.

Reasons for Earlobe Repair

There are a lot of reasons, both medical and cosmetic, that patients have when asking about earlobe surgery. You might feel stressed at work due to your appearance. You could struggle with pain or major asymmetry as a result of stretched lobes. All of these reasons are worthy of scheduling a consultation with Dr. Leyngold in Idaho.

Below is a further breakdown of the primary reasons for getting earlobe surgery:


Dangling earrings, earplugs, and gauges are great for making a fashion statement. Unfortunately, they stretch on your earlobes over time. As gravity takes its toll, your earlobes will stretch longer and longer until they hang lower than you would like. Over-stretching is a common reason to pursue earlobe repair surgery, which employs a personalized method of reconstruction. This kind of procedure usually involves removing excess skin and strengthening the underlying muscles.

Earlobe Damage or Disfigurement

You might have been in a serious accident which resulted in your ears getting damaged. Whether you were born with this injury or it happened later in life, you can seek earlobe repair surgery to create a more symmetrical look. Earlobe repair seeks to reconstruct your ears in order to bring them back to a more natural shape. We can also reshape the earlobes to better accommodate your facial structure, which could restore a lot of confidence in your appearance.

Sagging Due to Age

As you get older, the muscles under your skin start to lose their strength. Your skin stops producing ample amounts of collagen, which is the protein that keeps your skin tight. If you have grown tired of the way you look with earrings or gauges, you might be extra aware of the fact that your lobes sag over time.

Aging is a process that happens to us all, and it can take a toll on the loosest areas of skin. Earlobe repair surgery is specifically designed to tighten stretched earlobes while reinforcing the underlying muscles for a good-looking future.

Earlobe Repair with Dr. Leyngold

You can sign up for a personal, one-on-one consultation with Dr. Leyngold once you become confident that you are a good candidate for this procedure. During your appointment, he will outline more details of earlobe repair surgery to help you figure out exactly what your needs are. We can restore one or both ears during the procedure, helping you achieve symmetry that is both complementary and natural.

You are likely a good candidate for earlobe repair surgery if you are:

  • Struggling with torn or stretched earlobes
  • Losing confidence in your appearance due to disfigured ears
  • Getting older and dealing with severe sagging
  • In good general health and can withstand anesthesia
  • Aware of the realistic results you can achieve with this procedure

During the procedure, Dr. Leyngold will make small incisions above the affected area of your earlobes. The reshaping process can be quick or take time depending on how much repair is needed. You can expect to wake up with a small dressing covering the area. As soon as you recover from anesthesia, you will be sent home. Most sutures heal within a week.

Schedule a Dr. Leyngold Consultation Today

Dr. Leyngold is now accepting new candidates who are worried about their physical or aesthetic health due to outstretched earlobes. Find out why Dr. Leyngold is a highly recommended board-certified oculofacial and plastic surgeon in Idaho by scheduling your own appointment for a personalized treatment plan.